Amber Rose on Instagram: Check Out My HUGE Bush!

Amber Rose shared a photo of her vagina on Instagram Friday night. We’re not being crude or hyperbolic. That’s simply what happened: the model posted for a picture without anything at all covering her most private of parts. The extraordinarily Not Safe for Work (or Wife!) image was meant to promote the star’s third annual SlutWalk. It featured the 33-year old lying on her back on a staircase, only a black fur coat and bikini top covering the upper areas of her body. But that’s a lot more than what was covering Rose’s lower body; which was a big, fat NOTHING WHATSOEVER. Completely naked from the waist down, Rose put her ample pubic hair on full display for the camera. She shared it on Instagram and on Twitter, captioning the very racy picture with “”#amberroseslutwalk” on the latter platform. Instagram quickly deleted the photograph under its no-nudity policy, but this is the Internet. Nothing ever truly gets deleted once it goes live. We’ve censored the most sensitive aspect of the image (that is, a bush that would make Ashley Graham proud ) below, but here’s a pretty good idea of the treat Rose offered to her followers just a few hours ago: Wrote the ex-girlfriend of Kanye West and ex-wife of Wiz Khalifa in a follow-up Instagram message, shortly after the service axed her naked snapshot: When IG deletes ur fire ass feminist post but you really don’t give a fuck because everyone picked it up already #amberroseslutwalk #bringbackthebush The third annual SlutWalk is scheduled for October 1 at Los Angeles’ Pershing Square. In a statement written on the event’s official website, organizers explain how the this gathering is meant to raise awareness about gender inequality. Reads the site: “This event is a zero-tolerance event, and we do not condone hateful language, racism, sexism, ableism, fat-shaming, transphobia or any other bigotry. “Further, we recognize shaming, oppression, assault, and violence have disproportionately affected marginalized groups, including women of color, transgender people and sex workers, and we are actively working to center these groups at our events.” Rose, who has never exactly been shy about flaunting her body , has not taken the full, UNcensored picture off of her Twitter page. Nor has Twitter taken any steps to remove it. We’re not about the share such an X-rated picture here, but you can visit Rose’s Twitter account if you wish to see what all the fuss and sexual excitement is about for yourself. Aware of the buzz surrounding this photo, Rose posted the following meme on Instagram in response to users commenting about the non-Brazilian nature of her you-know-what. It’s pretty funny: Twitters users mostly seem to be in support of Rose’s decision here, although some question how a mother of a four-year old son could dare do such a thing. Simply put, “Amber rose is disgusting I feel so sorry for her son,” wrote one critic. But others saw the photo for the first time while watching the Cavs blow out the Warriors in the NBA Finals, referencing both events in messages such as the ones below: What do you think about the parent of a toddler going full-on naked on social media? Should she take her child into account? Or is she actually setting a positive example by showing how one should always exhibit self-confidence? Sound off now! And then look at other racy Amber Rose pictures below! View Slideshow: Amber Rose Selfies: Look at Me!

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Amber Rose on Instagram: Check Out My HUGE Bush!

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