Amber Portwood was arrested on July 5 for felony domestic assault . But the worst may still be to come for the veteran Teen Mom OG cast member. Four days after the incident that led to this arrest, in which Amber reportedly hit boyfriend Andrew Glennon with a shoe while he was cradling their one-year old son… Glennon has filed for custody of little James. For FULL custody, that is. This is the first step in what ought to be a long, painful and likely very ugly legal battle between Amber and Andrew, who have been dating for nearly two years now. As we await word in response from Portwood, scroll down for the latest on this unfortunate situation… 1. Let’s Set Amber’s Parental Scene She has two children, a 10-year old daughter named Leah with ex-boyfriend Gary Shirley and a one-year old named James with Andrew Glennon. 2. Who Has Custody of Leah? Shirley has full custody of the 10-year old. He and Amber split many years ago and are now on solid terms, with Gary even Tweeting his best wishes to his ex after her arrest on July 5. 3. This is What He Wrote: 4. As for James? He was born in May of 2018 to Amber and Andrew. The baby lives in Indiana with the couple — and he sadly was right in the middle of what led to her arrest last week. 5. Can We Go Over What Happened? Yes. According to Indiana records, Glennon texted 911 at 2:14 a.m. on Friday, July 5. This is what his text read: “I need help. My life and my son’s life is in danger.” 6. Okay. So Then Police Arrived on the Scene… … and, according to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Officer Ryan Salisbury, they were told that an argument between Amber and Andrew commenced around 2 a.m. View Slideshow
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Andrew Glennon Files for Custody of Amber Portwood’s Son