Take this, haters. With talk somehow still circulating around the Beyonce lip sync scandal at last week’s Presidential Inauguration, the singer took to the podium today at a Super Bowl press conference and first address the issue. “I am a perfectionist,” she said. “I did not have time to rehearse with the orchestra. It was a live television show and a very important moment for me.” And in case that wasn’t satisfactory enough, the Sasha Fierce one that SANG live for reporters. Watch her new Star Spangled-Banner performance now: Beyonce Sings National Anthem at Press Conference Earlier in the day, Beyonce miscarriage headlines also popped up over the Internet after the superstar opened up about the most traumatic event in her life. That’s a terribly sad story, but at least it may have given her perspective over the past week to shrug off this total lip-synching nonsense. Can we all put it to rest now?
Beyonce Responds to Lip Sync Controversy, SINGS National Anthem at Press Conference