People on Twitter love Justin Bieber. Of the top 10 re-Tweeted messages of this year, one was by Justin Bieber, and two others pertained to Justin Bieber . Which makes sense … it is his world. While celebrity Tweets registering at “100+” is commonplace, the social networking site has actually listed the top 10 re-Tweeted messages of the year. Weezy and Gaga both made the Twitter Top 10 . The year’s top Twitter posts included a defiant Britney Spears, food for thought by Drake, and a hilarious, sad and topical one-liner by Steven Colbert. Also, Al-Qaeda cracked the top five. It’s a satirical account, not really updated by Osama Bin Laden … we think. How morbidly funny would that be? So who came in at #1? Read the list after the jump … 10. Britney Spears – “PS – Star Magazine, Radar Online, Jason Alexander and the rest of you liars, Ya’ll can kiss my lily white southern Louisiana ass!” 9. Rihanna – “Justin Bieber just flashed me his abs in the middle of a restaurant! Wow! He actually had a lil 6 pack! Sexy, lol! #Beliebersplzdontkillme.” 8. Kanye West – “I’m sorry Taylor.” 7. Lady GaGa – “I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track, baby. I was Born This Way.” 6. Joe Jonas – “I cry because I love Justin Bieber!!!” 5. Al-Qaeda – “Just noticed Twitter keeps prompting me to ‘Add a location to your tweets’. Not falling for that one.” 4. Justin Bieber – “Te quiero mucho mi amor.” 3. Lil Wayne – “Aaaaaaahhhhhhmmmmm baaaaakkkkkkkkkk!” 2. Drake – “We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore the ones who ignore us.” 1. Stephen Colbert – “In honor of oil-soaked birds, ‘tweets’ are now ‘gurgles’.” Which was your favorite celebrity Tweet? Any others stand out that didn’t make the list? Who do you predict will be the most re-Tweeted of 2011? Tell us … and follow THG on Twitter too!
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By the Numbers: The Top 10 Tweets of 2010