Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Here’s What Really Happened to Anthony Scaramucci

When the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds opened on Tuesday night, many eagle-eyed viewers noticed a glaring omission to the cast: Anthony Scaramucci. The man who lasted ten or eleven days inside the White House had seemingly left the Big Brother house in just six days.  While he resurfaced at an event in Switzerland, Friday’s episode of the CBS juggernaut was all about filling in the blanks.  It turns out, Anthony was always supposed to stay in the house for a handful of days. He appeared via video message in a President Trump-like set-up and revealed the new to his houseguests.  “I’m actually not a Big Brother houseguest, but I am part of a Big Brother twist” the former White House Director of Communications revealed at the top of the hour. “Just like I left my mark in Washington, I’m going to leave my mark on the Big Brother game. First off: From this moment on, I’m out of the house.” “That means you’re all one step closer to the quarter-million dollar prize. The Big Brother house is just like my experience in Washington; you get judged quickly before people know who you really are — and you don’t get a second chance.” “So I’m giving the current nominees a second chance at safety.” With that, we learned that there was one more veto competition for the week, giving Jonathan and Tom a second chance to get off the block.  Before that, Ryan had to nominate another houseguest to take the Mooch’s place on the block.  He chose Kandi Burruss, citing the fact that their personalities “don’t really mesh.” Yes, really, and Kandi was pissed.  Ryan immediately followed up her nomination by trying to hug her, but she was not about all the fakery, so she told the Olympian to keep his distance from her.  Kato won the special POV, meaning the nominations would remain the same, or they could be changed in some way.  Kato went with saving his ally, Tom, and Ryan was forced to nominate another houseguest. He went with Joey Lawrence this time.  Dina votes to evict: Kandi  Kato votes to evict: Jonathan Tamar votes to evict: Jonathan Ricky votes to evict: Jonathan Tom votes to evict: Jonathan  Lolo votes to evict: Jonathan Natalie votes to evict: Jonathan Jonathan was the first houseguest evicted.  “It went really well, Julie,” Jonathan complained, adding: “Don’t team up with a gold medalist as soon as you enter the house. It’ll put a target on your back.” As for Julie, well she dragged Jonathan for trying to save Dina and not telling his allies.  What are your thoughts on the first eviction? Hit the comments below.  Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.  View Slideshow: Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

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Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Here’s What Really Happened to Anthony Scaramucci

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