Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Who Won Season 2?

Celebrity Big Brother crowned a winner on Wednesday night’s two-hour season finale.  At the top of the episode, we had the second to last HOH competition, and Ricky realized it was time for him to start winning things.  He opted to put Kandi and Dina on the block after complaining that both women would not hesitate to take him out of the house.  The dude had never watch Big Brother before because he was all about people doing whatever he told them to.  Tamar was quick to tell Kandi that she needed to win the veto competition or she was likely toast.  Lolo won the veto and during the live telecast decided to leave the nominations the same. With Ricky and Tamar being her only allies, this was the best course of action.  During the live eviction, Lolo decided to evict Kandi, while Tamar went with Dina. This was to force a 1-1 tie. Ricky sent Kandi packing.  That left us with the final four, and the final HOH competition of the season.  Round 1: Everyone gets a point  Round 2: Ricky & Tamar get a point Round 3: Lolo, Ricky, & Tamar get a point Round 4: Lolo, Ricky, & Tamar get a point  Round 5: Lolo, Ricky, & Tamar get a point  Round 6: Ricky gets a point  Round 7: Lolo & Tamar get a point  Tiebreaker: Final HOH is Ricky! Winning two back-to-back HOH competition was a big move, but Ricky had to evict two houseguests on the spot.  Ricky decided that Tamar was his best option, sending Dina and Lolo packing ahead of the final vote. Dina took it well, because, well, she won zero competitions in the house.  Lolo on the other hand, well, she was pissed! “Fifty thousand dollars, after he gets second [place] — after taxes and his agent’s fee, it’s really not much,” Lolo complained to Julie.  If anything, this solidified the fact that Lolo is not a team player. Her attitude throughout the game has rubbed a lot of fans the wrong way.  The funniest part of her being out the house was putting her hand up for Ryan Lochte to hit it. It was like she forgot the way she treated him. She flipped the bird at him, cussed at him, and told numerous lies.  Her behavior was bizarre.  After some tense back and forth, the jury made their decision and the votes played out as follows: Jonathan votes: Tamar  Ryan votes: Tamar  Joey votes: Tamar  Kato votes: Tamar  Natalie votes: Tamar Tom votes: Tamar Kandi votes: Tamar  Dina votes: Tamar Lolo votes: Tamar Tamar Braxton won the season by a vote of 9-0. That’s what they call a landslide in Big Brother terms.  The only other time a houseguest won by a unanimous vote was when Dan Gheesling manipulated his way to victory on Season 10.  Tom Green went on to win $25,000 to be crowned America’s Favorite Houseguest.  What are your thoughts on the finale? Hit the comments below.  View Slideshow: Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

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Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Who Won Season 2?

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