Charlie Sheen Apologizes for Bar-Opening Homophobic Slur

Charlie Sheen decided to end the year with a controversial bang last night. The actor was the life of the party at a bar opening in Cabo when he jumped on stage to introduce iconic guitarist Slash, along with other big musical acts. For inexplicable reasons, however, Sheen screamed at the crowd: “How we doing? … Lying bunch of f**got a**holes, how we doing?” TMZ has the video of Sheen’s slur , along with two quotes from the actor. First, Sheen appears to make a sincere apology, telling the site: “I meant no ill will and intended to hurt no one and I apologize if I offended anyone.” Then, in classic Charlie Sheen fashion, he goes on to mock the incident, adding: “I meant to say maggot but I have a lisp.” Aside from helping Lindsay Lohan with her taxes, Sheen has remained relatively quiet and scandal-free over the past few months. But, hey, at least he didn’t beat any women while slamming homosexuals. We suppose that’s progress for the troubled star.

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Charlie Sheen Apologizes for Bar-Opening Homophobic Slur

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