Chris Brown really wants to stay relevant. That much is obvious, but the fact that he’s literally begging his fans to help that cause is pretty funny/sad. Brown used an audio message to spread the desperate plea. His message is available through, a website in which stars can record messages for fans … of which he apparently has fewer die-hards than the old days. In the message, the felony woman beater begs fans to help “bring me back,” saying that he won’t name names, but “a lot of radio stations aren’t playing my records.” “They are not being that supportive and I wouldn’t expect them to.” A studious Chris Brown hopes for radio redemption. Brown goes on to say he’s “a better guy now” … but says “[My music] won’t be possible if I’m not relevant on the radio … I can’t be an underground mix tape artist.” Chris’ popularity has understandably taken a beating ever since he doled one out to Rihanna a year ago. His latest album, Graffiti, was somewhat of a sales letdown. We believe in second chances, sure, but calling out stores and stations for blackballing your album (true or not) isn’t the way to go, Chris. It just makes you look petty.
See more here:
Chris Brown to Fans: Keep Me Relevant!