David Arquette got drunk and called up his close friend Howard Stern Wednesday, and what resulted was a tangent-filled, emotional and sometimes incoherent chat. The 42-year-old has struggled with alcohol in the past, and appears to be battling his demons again – or he just had a little too much fun the night before. David Arquette: Drunk on Howard Stern “I’m wasted,” Arquette said. “I threw a wrap party for this film I’m working on called ‘The Key.’ This isnt the first time I called you [drunk], I’ve called in a few times.” Indeed, his drunk phone calls have been epic over the years. In this particular instance, Arquette was quick to discuss his relationship with Courteney Cox, his former wife, as well as his undying love for Howard. “You are incredible,” he told Stern. “You are God. We’re all gods in our own way. We’re all droplets of God. The whole game is to entertain God. God created us all .” Well put. As for Cox, she broke up with co-star Brian Van Holt, but has moved on with another man, “someone who loves and cares for her. That’s all I care about.” The intoxicated actor added, gushing almost uncontrollably, of the mother of his daughter Coco: “She’s the most brilliant, beautiful friend that I’ve ever met.” Arquette also touched upon Adolf Hitler, Grand Theft Auto V, the N-word and more during the rambling conversation that seemed to go on forever. “I’m sorry, and I apologize to anyone I’m going to offend,” he said of the chat, which you can listen to above, “and I’m wasted and I’ll get sober tomorrow.” Probably not the worst idea.
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David Arquette Drunk Dials Howard Stern, Talks Courtney Cox, GTA & Hitler