So, how about that Jenelle Evans divorce, huh? It's been nearly two weeks now since the longtime Teen Mom 2 terror announced the big news that she'd left David Eason. So, so very much has happened since. Some of it has been nice, don't get us wrong. It's great that she's able to spend time with Nathan Griffith for their son's sake. Most of it has just been an absolute dumpster fire, however, and given that this is Jenelle, we can't say we're surprised. And speaking of garbage, you simply have to see David's latest statements about her, because they're pretty abhorrent. Honestly, this situation is bound to get worse before it gets better, no matter how hard she tries to get back on Teen Mom 2 . Take a look below and see what we mean. 1. What a Mess Man … where do we even begin with this mess? Amazingly, these two have been an item for over four years at this point. It feels like a lifetime … a lifetime full of terror. 2. So Much History If you want to start at the very beginning, we could take it the way back in 2015 when Jenelle met David on Tinder and started dating him. 3. Ah, Memories Or we could skip forward just a little bit, since it didn’t take too long for David’s horrible history to come out – the gruesome twosome had barely started dating when his alleged history of emotional and physical abuse came to light. 4. So Many Possibilities Or we could start by talking about when David first began showing Jenelle all of his many, many red flags – you remember, when he started putting a whole lot of strain on every other relationship she had, even the one with her son’s father and her own mom? 5. It Never Ends There are so many places we could start today’s story – with Jenelle’s 911 call from last year, when she first admitted he was abusing her, or with the many abuse allegations from Nathan and his own mother in regards to Kaiser, or with Nugget’s death and the battle with CPS that followed. 6. Here We Go But instead, let’s just focus on the most recent developments and kick things off with Jenelle leaving David a few weeks ago. Evans went all the way to New York, all by herself. Why was this so significant? View Slideshow
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David Eason on Jenelle Evans: She’s a Loose Liar and She’s Going DOWN!