Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not only standing by his controversial remarks on immigration, he says he will win the Latino vote. Rising in GOP primary polls despite hemorrhaging business deals as a result of his comments, Trump was as defiant as ever in a sit-down with NBC. He slammed Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton for promoting immigration ideas that “let everybody come in… killers, criminals, drug dealers.” “I have a great relationship with the Mexican people,” Trump said. “I have many people working for me – look at the job in Washington.” “I have many legal immigrants working with me. And many of them come from Mexico. They love me, I love Mexican people .” “And I’ll tell you something,” Trump said of the 2016 presidential election, “if I get the [GOP] nomination, I’ll win the Latino vote.” How? Because of his record creating jobs, he says. “Hillary Clinton is not going to be able to create jobs, I will tell you right now,” he said, turning his attention to a GOP rival as well. “Neither is Jeb Bush going to be able to create jobs.” “I will create jobs and the Latinos will have jobs that they don’t have right now,” and as a result, be boldly claims, ” I will win that vote .” The former First Lady, he adds, is “weak on immigration. I might be divisive on immigration, but she’s weak, which is far worse.” Trump warned that her policies would increase crime, and labeled Clinton “the worst secretary of state in the history of our nation.” “The world blew up around us,” he said of her tenure. The 69-year-old mogul said he has “nothing to apologize for” since he announced he is running for president earlier this summer. Doubling down on a previous point, he urged an “impenetrable” wall between the U.S. and Mexico and to “make” Mexico pay for it. “Mexico’s making a fortune off the United States,” he said. “I would get them to pay for the wall. Believe me.” Trump, who has been fired by Macy’s and NBC among others, dismissed the idea that his business has been hurt by his campaign. “This is too important. Yeah, I’m losing some contracts. Who cares?” he said. “They’re weak and they want to be politically correct.” “Some of them have already apologized to me.” Trump was also asked about a Washington Post report about illegal immigrants working on his aforementioned hotel project in D.C. “We have a very strong system,” he replied, saying that the paper did not reference any of the alleged undocumented workers by name. “I have a contractor, one of the biggest in the nation. So far, they’re doing a very good job. We have a very strong verification system.”
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Donald Trump: I Will Win the Latino Vote! (And Hillary Clinton is WEAK!)