Felicity Huffman Mocked, Dragged at 2019 Emmy Awards

Sunday night's award show for the 2019 Emmys has come and gone, and people are still mocking Kim and Kourtney . But you didn't have to present — or even be there — to find yourself getting mocked by the Emmys crowd. In fact, one absent star in particular was singled out for ridicule. Anybody seen Felicity Huffman? Comedian and Reno 9-1-1 alum Thomas Lennon had some wild commentary for the Emmy Awards, and one bit in particular stood out. “The producers have asked me to give a special shout-out,” Thomas begins. Said shout-out was directed to “any of our previous Lead Actress winners.” Specifically, winners who “are watching tonight from prison.” “Hopefully,” Thomas expresses. “Those two weeks are going to fly right by.” He concludes, saying: “Keep your chin up.” It's no mystery to whom he may have been referring. Felicity has been nominated for multiple Emmys, and took home the award in 2005. Given that she was sentenced to 14 days in prison , he could only have meant her. But … unless Felicity is just super jazzed for reruns of award shows, he may have missed the mark. Felicity is not behind bars, my dude. Not yet. Some folks assumed that when it was announced that Felicity was carted out of the courtroom and tossed directly into her new cell. Maybe these people also imagined her wearing black and white stripes with her ankle shackled to a large iron ball. The reality of the matter is that the wheels of justice move almost as slowly for criminals as they do for those seeking justice. Felicity is already serving part of her court-ordered sentence. But she isn't doing it behind bars. On May 13, Felicity entered her formal guilty plea to the charge of honest services fraud. Four months later, on September 13, she was awarded her sentence of 14 days behind bars. The actual prison sentence does not begin until October 25. She must also pay a small (for her) fine of $30,000 and, upon her release, will be on probation (supervised release) for one year. Felicity has also been ordered to complete 250 hours of community service. Now, Felicity has actually already begun to complete some of her community service hours. While it's smart to get some of it out of the way early, she likely has an ulterior motive. Starting right away on your community service helps show the judge that you are respectful, cooperative, and repentant. Felicity wants to go to a nicer prison that is nearby. If the judge is convinced that she's committed to the straight and narrow, she may get her wish. Only time will tell, however. And the urge to make an example of celebrities can apply to judges just as much as it can to prosecutors. Real talk? Thomas Lennon was taking an easy swipe at her. We don't think that he's personally gloating over her misfortune, even if she deserves it. Most people find her likeable. And in contrast to the depths to which Lori Loughlin sunk, Felicity definitely comes out as the lesser of the two criminals. Yes, she paid someone to take the SAT in her daughter's name to boost her score. It's wrong, but it's not six figures of outright bribes wrong. We somehow doubt that Felicity and her family were tuning in to the Emmys this year, though. They have other things on their minds.

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Felicity Huffman Mocked, Dragged at 2019 Emmy Awards

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