Earlier this week, we reported on the surprising news that Jon Gosselin had been granted custody of his con Collin after Kate Gosselin failed to show up for a hearing. Some took Kate’s absence as a sign that she’s throwing in the towel following a years-long court battle with her ex-husband. But those who have been following Kate closely throughout this ordeal will not be surprised to learn that the famously combative reality star has no intention of giving up the fight. In fact, it seems the only reason Kate wasn’t present in court is that she knew in advance that she had no shot at winning. This news comes to us courtesy of Radar Online, who reports today that the judge in Jon and Kate’s case has become fed up with the increasing nastiness between the exes and has taken a major step toward making the process run more smoothly. Radar reports that a guardian has been appointed to advocate for the couple’s eight children. The ad litem guardian has been described as “a high-profile female attorney” who is apparently not terribly sympathetic to Kate’s argument that Jon is a DJ and should thus never be allowed in the presence of children. (We kid, obviously, but that would be more compelling than some of Kate’s actual arguments.) The ad litem has reportedly been involved in the custody battle since August of 2017 and had previously awarded custody of Hannah Gosselin to Jon . “Once an ad litem was assigned, the judge ruled both Hannah and Collin should be in the custody of Jon,” a source close to the case tells Radar. Hannah moved in with Jon over the summer, a fact that he boasted about in a video posted on social media. “She permanently lives with me,” Jon told the camera. The other six Gosselin children continue to live with Kate. Sources familiar with the case say that Jon’s ultimate goal is to attain full physical custody of all eight of his children. Kate, of course, will continue to fight him on that front, while the rest of will continue to wonder how one supports eight kids on a DJ’s salary.
Read this article:
Gosselin Kids Appointed Guardian as Jon-Kate Custody Battle Goes Nuclear