Jenelle Evans: David May Have Put a Bullet in My Dog, Burned its Corpse and Shown Zero Remorse, But We’re Doing Great!

As time goes on, things with Jenelle Evans and David Eason get worse and worse. Like, we’re getting to the point where they could cause the downfall of the entire human race within the next decade. It’s bad. They’re just so awful, you know? So cruel and careless and mean and offensive … so many bad things. This has been true for years and years now, even before they met, but in case there was any doubt, they’ve really gone and proved it in these past few months. You know what’s been going on — at the end of April, David killed Nugget, Jenelle’s French bulldog . A police investigation began, and someone on the case told CPS that they should probably remove all the kids from the home, so Maryssa, Kaiser, and Ensley went to temporary guardians . There was a court case, Jenelle and David blew off some of their weekly supervised visits for dumb reasons, and there was a particularly awful story about how they didn’t even want Maryssa anymore , so they were just going to fight for Kaiser and Ensley. Lots of questionable things came out, like the video where he called her a piece of sh-t and told her she could die for all he cares , as well as a 911 call from last December because he was outside destroying things . Most people assumed that the case would drag on for months, and that with as obviously horrible as they are, Jenelle and David wouldn’t regain custody. But that was wrong. The case ended super suddenly , as did the police investigation, and now everything is back to normal, with all the kids back on The Land and David seeing no consequences for killing a dog. Oh, except also Jenelle is now refusing to admit that David killed the dog — her story now is that she doesn’t know what happened, and she never heard a gunshot, and please stop asking. Ridiculous, right? But wait! For the latest chapter in this horrifying saga, there are new leaked text messages that allegedly show David asking a friend to help him burn the bodies of both Nugget and Jax , Jenelle’s other dog so the police don’t find them. There’s no proof that the texts are from David, but still, the latest story is about David burning the corpses of Jenelle’s two dogs. Don’t worry though, everything is great with them! Yesterday, Jenelle shared the following on her Instagram story: See? They’re “stronger than ever.” And you can’t lie on an Instagram sotry, them’s the rules. Look, this is really just sad — it’s so painfully obvious that Jenelle is doing anything and everything to convince everyone that David is a good guy and they have a strong marriage. She’s had so many terrible relationships, she’s clearly been desperate to prove everyone wrong with this one, even though we can all plainly see what a train wreck it is. This is usually where we’d ask Jenelle to get it together, or suggest therapy or something, but is there any point anymore? View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Under Attack by Conspiracy Theorists! Fake Dog-Slaying Texts, Accounts Exposed!! [EXCLUSIVE] If her husband killed her dog and caused CPS to take her children away from her just a couple of months ago and she’s already gushing about how great he is … Is there really any hope at this point?

See the original post:
Jenelle Evans: David May Have Put a Bullet in My Dog, Burned its Corpse and Shown Zero Remorse, But We’re Doing Great!

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