It's been over a month since Jenelle Evans' kids were removed from her home following a CPS investigation which concluded that she had failed to provide a safe and healthy home environment. In the weeks since, Evans and husband David Eason have been battling to regain custody, thus far to no avail. The odds are stacked against the Easons, which might explain why they've taken to pulling out all the stops and fighting dirty. David is set to take the stand today, and those who have been watching the case closely believe he'll go on the offensive against his kids' current caretakers. Meanwhile, Jenelle has been going off on her mother, Barbara Eason, and trying to make the case that the kids are no safer with her than they were on the land. Yes, believe it or not, this situation is still getting uglier. Take a look at the latest: 1. Dueling Evanses Prior to this increasingly messy custody battle, Jenelle and Barbara were actually on good terms with one another for the first time in a very long time. 2. Better Days After years of rocky relations, Jenelle and Barbara turned things around during the filming of what would turn out to be Jenelle’s final season on Teen Mom 2. 3. Strange Bedfellows Granted, this was at least partially out of necessity, as David had already been fired from the show, and Jenelle needed a sounding board for her endless tirades. 4. Back to the Battleground Whatever the case, Jenelle and Barbara’s brief cease-fire is officially at an end thanks to a series of recent court rulings. 5. Trouble on the Land In May, Jenelle’s kids were removed from her home and placed with relatives after David shot and killed the family dog, prompting a CPS investigation. 6. A Second Chance For Ensley Two-year-old Ensley Eason was placed with Babs, and while one might think Jenelle would prefer that to seeing her daughter placed with strangers in a foster home, she’s apparently outraged by the arrangement. View Slideshow
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Jenelle Evans: My Kids Are Not SAFE Living With Barbara Evans!