Jeremy Calvert: Did He Pee on a Homeless Person?!

Look, Jeremy Calvert isn’t the best person. You know it, we know it, everyone who saw him slap Leah Messer in the face with a slice of bacon knows it. He’s not the greatest part to adorable little Adalynn, the daughter he shares with Leah. His job as a pipeline engineer means that he travels a ton, which means that he’s not around an awful lot. Some of Leah’s family members have gone so far as to call him a deadbeat dad , which he finds very offensive. Speaking of offensive, Jeremy also seems to be a little bit racist. In an earlier season of Teen Mom 2, he objected to Leah taking their daughter on vacation to Mexico because, as he so eloquently explained it, “I just don’t like Mexico.” After that episode aired, he blamed MTV on editing the footage to make him look bad, but to this day, he hasn’t explained what exactly he has against Mexico. He’s defended an ex-girlfriend’s DUI by essentially saying that everyone drives drunk, which is obviously not true. When he does spend time with Addie, he takes photos of her in his car without a carseat, and with guns bigger than she is . She’s just five years old, by the way. Basically, if you know any redneck dudes that say racist, sexist things and have that weird obsession with guns and wearing bedazzled jeans to look snazzy, that’s Jeremy. But with this latest scandal, he’s really outdone himself. See, Jeremy has been in San Diego for a couple of weeks now, and at one point in his trip, he thought it would be a good idea to pee on a homeless person. Or that’s what everyone thought, anyway. A video has been making the rounds (you can watch it here ) of Jeremy out and about one night. He approaches what appears to be a homeless man lying against the side of a building, covered in a blanket. And then he appears to unzip his pants and urinate all over him while laughing hysterically. So funny, right? Wrong. Literally no one was amused by the video. He’s made his social media accounts private, so we can’t share any of the critical comments, but they’re not that difficult to imagine. Urinating on another person — you know, if that person isn’t into it or is unaware — is just so incredibly disrespectful and disgusting. It’s heartbreaking enough that this person is sleeping on the street, but to have some Teen Mom jackass run up and pee all over him? No. Just … no. The video caused enough of an uproar that TMZ got a statement from him, and while they don’t quote him directly, apparently this whole thing was just one big joke. What everyone thought was a person was just a pile of garbage, and he says that he didn’t even actually pee. He told the same story to OK! magazine, adding that he’d never pee on someone for real. The thing is that even if he’s telling the truth and not just making things up to save face, this is still awful. Because that means that he’s the kind of person that thinks peeing on a homeless person is funny. There’s really just no way for Jeremy to come out of this looking like a decent guy. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Dads, Husbands & Boyfriends Ranked: Who’s #1?! Good thing that ship sailed a long time ago, huh?

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Jeremy Calvert: Did He Pee on a Homeless Person?!

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