Last night, Bravo aired the first half of Joe and Teresa Giudice’s post-sentencing interview with Andy Cohen. Teresa Giudice Reacts to Prison Sentence On Thursday, the network that made the Giudices famous will feature the second half of their extended sit-down with Cohen, and given the slate of topics to be discussed, round 2 might leave the Giudices looking worse than ever. For one thing, Andy will reportedly confront Teresa about her claims that The Real Housewives of New Jersey is scripted, and edited to make her look bad. (We’re guessing AC wasn’t too thrilled with that statement.) But what we’re really looking forward to is the discussion about Joe Giudice’s alcoholism. As you may know, Joe’s lawyers requested that he be sent to a rehab facility to treat his alcohol addiction, rather than to prison. The judge, predictably, was having none of that, and Giudice was sentenced to 41 months behind bars. So why, then, when asked by Cohen if he he’s an alcoholic, does Joe simply shrug and say, “I might have a little problem; I’m not gonna lie.” Well, Joe, you either lied in the interview or you lied in court, because just last week you told a judge so you were such a heavy boozer that you required immediate in-patient rehab. Catch the whole interview Thursday at 9 pm on Bravo, and watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online anytime at TV Fanatic. 13 Classic Teresa Giudice Moments 1. Teresa Giudice: Table Flipping And now for the classic. Teresa’s face is priceless as she famously flips the table. Bravo. Bravo.
See more here:
Joe Giudice on Alcoholism: I Might Have a Little Problem