Looks like a coupla Teen Mom 2 stars are having a little passive-aggressive Twitter feud. It all started when Kailyn Lowry got a butt lift and posted the before-and-after shots to Snapchat, because that wasn’t TMI at all. In an interview with Us Weekly , Kailyn’s co-star Jenelle Evans responded to her decision to go under the knife. “She looks great, and I’m happy [for her],” Jenelle told the magazine . “Whatever makes her happy. That’s her choice. It’s just not mine. It’s her decision. It’s her body. No one can tell her what to do.” Earlier in the week, Jenelle said she had considered getting plastic surgery on her chin , but ultimately decided against it. Apparently, Kailyn interpreted Jenelle’s comment as major shade, and shot off this tweet: “When your cast mates subtly throw shade at you… it’s cool though.” I mean, it’s Jenelle, so anything is possible, but we didn’t really see the malice in her comment. However, Jenelle must’ve realized Kailyn’s tweet was directed at her, because she then tweeted what appeared to be a response. “Sometimes you just have to block people in life that you once believed to be your friend,” she wrote. “I’ve always been the black sheep of the group, it’s all good. I’m use to it now,” she added via a second tweet. Of all the social media offenses, this passive-aggressive baloney is the most annoying. Parties express hurt and disappointment over something another has done to them, yet refuse to name names and just leave everyone wondering. It’s a public forum, ladies. Everyone can see it, so just come out with it or stay mum, mmkay? As far as we can see, though, these two are on the outs. But it would seem they each have their own dramas to attend to, with Kailyn being accused of a sham marriage and Jenelle filing charges against her ex for stealing her car . Ah, a day in the life of a Teen Mom. View Slideshow: 23 Most Insane Teen Mom Moments of All Time
Continued here:
Kailyn Lowry: PISSED at Jenelle Evans for Throwing Shade!
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