Kailyn Lowry to Teen Mom 2 Producers: Fire Barbara Evans or I Quit!

Well folks, it looks like the neverending feud between Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans has kicked into high gear once again. The latest round of trash talk comes from a surprising source — Jenelle’s controversial mother, Barbara Evans. Over the weekend Jenelle joined co-star Briana DeJesus for an impromptu Instagram Live session that featured some boozy cameos from Babs. “My mom and I are out of town for a mother/daughter weekend and filming our trip,” Jenelle told her followers. “We had some drinks at dinner and came back to the Airbnb to drink a little more. I randomly got on Instagram and saw Brittany [DeJesus] was live so I decided to join in, especially since my mom was with me.” At one point, an obviously intoxicated Barbara “joked” that she wants to ” kill Kail ” — a remark that Lowry and many others didn’t find particularly humorous. During the live feed, Babs received a call from Teen Mom 2 co-executive producer Kristen Schylinski who was understandably less than thrilled with the situation. “I need you to tell Kail that you are joking… there’s a huge sh-t storm… ,“ Kristen told Barbara on the phone. “How could you say that? …Tell her you were joking because you are, you don’t want to kill Kail,” “So earlier, I was talking to Brittany, Briana’s sister, and I said that I wanted to kill Kail and it was, everybody took it out of perspective because that’s not really what I meant. I was just doin’ a joke,” Babs slurred during the live session. “Yeah, it was only a joke,” she added. “I was only joking with Brittany, it was like I was being sarcastic, so I mean, and everybody like freaks out like I wanna go and kill the girl. “Come on, I’ve know the girl for 10 years…You can’t say anything in the public without people like freaking out, saying ya know, ‘I’m gonna go out and kill the girl with a gun.’” “It was a stupid f-king joke, just chill the f-ck out,” Jenelle quipped in response to her mom’s apology. Not surprisingly, Kail fails to see the humor in the situation. “I’m not filming until something is done,” Kail told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Monday. “It’s about the principle at this point,” Lowry added.  “The producers say they’re handling it. I gave them my attorney’s info and told the producers to contact my attorney and not to contact me.” Yes, it seems Kail is “pulling a Jenelle” by refusing to film, but unlike Mrs. Eason, she has good reason for taking a stand. Not surprisingly, Jenelle is doing her best to downplay the situation, as she’s likely well aware that if producers are forced to choose between her and Kail, they’re sure to go with the latter option. Jenelle tells Hollywood Life that Barb “is really upset everyone took it the wrong way and is still upset about it at this moment,” but then she then proceeds to make light of the situation. “My producer understood [it was a joke] and just reminded my mom not to use those types of words because of how offended the world gets these days,” Jenelle told the site.  “We haven’t received anymore calls from our other producers so I guess they know my mom’s intentions were just to make a joke,” she added. “My mom doesn’t like Kail because my mom knows that Kail is a troublemaker and experienced it firsthand at the last reunion that I did not attend last season.” Sounds like Jenelle is eager to move on from the situation, but Kail — and the show’s producers — may not feel the same. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans’ Mother Threatens to Kill Kailyn Lowry in Shocking New Video

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Kailyn Lowry to Teen Mom 2 Producers: Fire Barbara Evans or I Quit!

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