Kelly Bensimon to Producers: Make Me an Offer!

Really, Kelly Bensimon is not upset about getting the boot from The Real Housewives of New York City . She’s just getting started , after all! But if any reality TV show producers out there are reading this and they wanna make Kelly an offer, what the heck, she’ll listen. “I get approached all the time about doing different shows and everyone always has a different angle,” Bensimon claims to E! News. “But this is the time for a bigger and better deal… Whoever gives me the greatest deal that is synonymous with my brand, that’s something I want to do.” Bensimon, of course, was let go by Bravo this month, along with Jill Zarin, Alex McCord and Cindy Barshop. They will allegedly be replaced by Carole Radziwill, Heather Thomson and Aviva Drescher . How will Kelly possibly cope with the loss of this six-figure paycheck? She pauses, takes a deep breath a says: “Tomorrow is a new day.”

Kelly Bensimon to Producers: Make Me an Offer!

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