Kendall Jenner took to Twitter this week and made her feelings on the paparazzi very well-known: She ain’t a fan. “there’s nothing that irritates me more than when people take pics of me/my family/ or anyone in this industry and do not ask,” wrote the half-sister of Kim Kardashian . Of course, Kendall failed to mention that this rarely occurs, as the Kardashians have deals in place with most agencies in which they alert photographers to their impending presence at various locations. But we’ll ignore that detail for now. Continued Jenner: “don’t sit there taking pics of me as if I’m a statue, or an artifact in a museum. I can see you and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m a human being and it’s very rude not to ask. you wouldn’t appreciate it either.” Possibly true. But they may accept the trade-off of this irritation if it means millions of dollars for very little work. Something to think about, Kendall.
See more here:
Kendall Jenner: I Hate the Paparazzi!