Kendra Wilkinson: Hospitalized with Mysterious Illness

Did you remember that Kendra Wilkinson does theater now? Well, it’s a show in Vegas. Except that they had to cancel the show after Kendra Wilkinson had to be rushed to the hospital over mystery pains. And, as far as we know, doctors still don’t know what’s wrong. Now, this isn’t the first time that Kendra Wilkinson has had to take a trip to the hospital during her time in Vegas. Previously, the reality star had to go to the hospital because, well, she’s really bad at handjobs . Okay, that’s a little joke at her expense … but she really did go to the hospital because of motioning too hard while miming a handjob on stage. See, Kendra is currently acting in Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man . (Which is a play, and we continue to be devastated that this isn’t a reality series featuring various Real Housewives and other TV personalities getting tutored on sex) The show’s audience and Kendra’s fans were both crushed to hear the bad news that Kendra shared. And, after Kendra sent an update, became worried. On Saturday, Kendra tweeted the bad news to her fans. “Super sick. Going to have to cancel the late show tonight. My heart couldn’t cancel both. Sorry late show.” Well apparently she had a change of heart (sorry about the groanworthy pun) because she followed it up with this tweet: “Sooooo sorry guys gotta cancel both shows tonight. Going to ER. Hurtin bad. I’ll make it up to you.” And while Kendra has spoken extensively about missing Hank Baskett and being a “horny motherf—er,” there’s probably more to this than Kendra experiencing a case of “blue tubes.” And it actually might be really serious. The very next day, on Sunday, Kendra posted an update that we suppose was meant to be reassuring. “Better today n will be back on stage tonight. The pain n aches were so bad last night.” That’s good news for fans … but what went wrong? If you ask Kendra, it’s all no big deal. “Nothing serious they found but on antibiotics n pain meds today. Thanks for your concern everyone. Love you.” Now, some doctors prescribe antibiotics for specific causes, but others will prescribe a round of them if they don’t know what the cause could be and hope to just nip any potential infection in the bud before it’s discovered. But Kendra describes stomach pain, and that could be one of any number of organs. A lot of things can cause pain in that part of the body … including a number of types of cancer. It’s not clear from Kendra’s tweets if doctors actually figured out why she was in such agonizing pain that she had to cancel two shows and head to the ER. Maybe they did. It may have been something that she found embarrassing and didn’t want to share. Or maybe they didn’t. Maybe they’re waiting for lab results to come back. Whatever this is — and maybe it’s just a simple infection that can be cured in a few days — we hope that Kendra isn’t pushing herself to go back on stage again too soon. View Slideshow: Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett: So in Love!

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Kendra Wilkinson: Hospitalized with Mysterious Illness

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