Kendra Wilkinson just doesn’t get it. Granted, this former Girl Next Door opened up about her relationship with Hugh Hefner in the memoir “Sliding Into Home,” but her situation can’t compare to that of Crystal Harris. Why? “She was about to get married to him. I would have never agreed to get married to him,” Kendra told People yesterday when asked about Crystal’s disparaging remarks on The Howard Stern Show. “To [plan to] get married and then be a backstabber to someone like that… to take it to that level and then go and backstab, that’s, like, cruel, you know?” Kendra can relate to life at the Playboy Mansion, but her opinion of Harris has changed for the worse over the last couple weeks. “At first I was really proud,” Wilkinson said . “I was like, ‘Wow, she’s being classy about things.’ But then lately, she’s just like totally running her mouth and it’s hard.” Or, it’s the opposite of Hugh Hefner.
Excerpt from:
Kendra Wilkinson on Crystal Harris: Cruel Mouth-Runner!