Kim Kardashian has made it very clear over about a two-year window now: She loves being a mother. And, for anyone who viewed the Kim Kardashian sex tape , the reality star also made it very clear back in the day: she loves what one must to in order to become a mother. But Kardashian made it clear today, via her official website: She hates the nine months or so in between procreating and actually meeting her brand new loved one. “I’m gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life!,” Kardashian says in a new video post, adding: “LOL! I don’t enjoy one moment of it and I don’t understand people who enjoy it. “Maybe it’s the swelling, the backaches or just the complete mind[expletive] of how your body expands and nothing fits. I just always feel like I’m not in my own skin.” We’d share the actual video here of Kardashian saying these words… but, unlike millions of people around the world , we’re not about to pay $2.99 for access to Kim’s site. View Slideshow: 11 Moments Kim Kardashian Wishes You’d Forget “People just don’t tell you all of the gross things that happen during pregnancy or after,” Kardashian adds. “Do you know you basically have to wear a diaper for two months afterwards?! LOL! No one told me that! #SoSexy.” Fortunately, Kardashian does conclude her rant by saying she adores North West and is excited to meet her son in December and: “Really, it is all SO worth it when you have your precious baby in the end! So for all my complaining, it’s 100 percent worth it and more!”
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Kim Kardashian on Pregnancy: IT SUCKS!