The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members, including Lisa Vanderpump’s dog Giggy the Pom, star in Lady Gaga’s new music video for “G.U.Y.” Seriously. The singer debuted the 7:30 minute clip (11:46 with credits), featuring the Bravo-lebrities singing along and playing musical instruments. It’s … something. Lady Gaga – G.U.Y. – An ARTPOP Film Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle Richards, Kim Richards, Yolanda Foster and Carlton Gebbia appear in the epic production, showing off their musical skills. Brandi Glanville and Joyce Giraud didn’t make the cut, apparently. The “ARTPOP Film” also includes snippets of other songs from the album, including the title track, “Venus” and “Manicure,” making it a de facto promo. What do you think of the video? Watch it above and watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online every week to see these loons at their best.
Originally posted here:
Lady Gaga "G.U.Y." Music Video Stars The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Cast: Watch!