Prepare yourselves for one of the stranger, more sordid rumors you’ll hear all year… Laurie Fine is the wife of Bernie Fine, the Syracuse assistant basketball coach who was fired last week in the wake of allegations by three former ballplayers that he sexually assaulted them at various times during his 36 years on staff at the university. Jim Boeheim Addresses Bernie Fine Scandal The most damning piece of evidence against Bernie is a phone conversation recorded by accuser Bobby Davis in 2003. In it, Laurie appears to acknowledge her husband’s despicable behavior, telling Davis: “I know everything that went on… Bernie has issues, maybe that he’s not aware of, but he has issues… you’re better off just staying away from him.” But, wait, it gets weirder: Multiple sources tell Deadspin that Laurie herself carried on a sexual relationship with Davis, something she often did with Syracuse players. “It was a rite of passage for some to be with Bernie’s wife,” the insider claims . MOREOVER, another source says a sex tape of Laurie Fine and another player is actually in existence and has been peddled for years. Syracuse Coach Jim Boeheim initially stood by his long-time friend, Bernie Fine, but has recently said the university was right to fire him. He still maintains, however, that he was unaware of any of the alleged indecent behavior by either half of this couple.
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Laurie Fine Sex Tape with Syracuse Basketball Player: In Existence?!?