So Mackenzie Standifer sure has been going through a lot lately, right? Or, well, pretty much ever since she made the extremely questionable decision to start dating Ryan Edwards. But things have definitely gotten more intense in the past few weeks. After all, welcoming a new baby while your husband goes off to rehab for at least a few months will do that. So maybe that's why Mackenzie has been behaving a little strangely lately — the stress. But still, her latest comments are pretty darn concerning … 1. Poor Mackenzie Who would have thought that having Ryan Edwards for a husband would be rough? 2. … Oh Every single person who’s ever seen even a second of footage of him from Teen Mom? Yeah, that’s kind of what we thought. 3. Real Talk Ryan has always been the worst, and there’s no shortage of evidence of this. 4. Sorry, Ryan And we’re not even talking about the heroin addiction. 5. What a History Ever since we first saw him as Maci’s boyfriend in her episode of 16 and Pregnant, he’s been self-centered, lazy, mean … just so many bad things. 6. Use Your Resources There’s YEARS of footage of him being a semi-absent father, making poor decisions, and just being not the greatest person in general. View Slideshow
Read the rest here:
Mackenzie Standifer: Threatening to Abandon Baby with Ryan Edwards?!
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