Meadow Walker has returned to Instagram. The 15-year old daughter of late actor Paul Walker posted a photo of herself in a bikini yesterday, writing as a simple caption on the social media service: “Glad to be back.” And followers were glad to have Meadow back with fans posting messages to Meadow that told her she looks “great” and should “stay strong.” “Your daddy is always around with you. Stay strong meadow, you’re a warrior,” one user wrote in supportive response. Paul Walker died in a high-speed car crash in November. In addition to losing her dad, Meadow has been at the forefront of a heated custody battle between her mother, Rebecca Soteros, and her grandmother on her father’s side, Cheryl Walker, because she’s the beneficiary of her dad’s $16 million estate. There had been talk initially that Meadow actually witnessed her father’s tragic accident, but those reports were quickly shot down. All we know is that it’s very nice to see Meadow Walker smiling again. Remembering Paul Walker (1973-2013) 1. Paul Walker, Daughter Meadow Paul Walker and his daughter Meadow pose for a sweet photo. May he rest in peace and may she find it.
Meadow Walker Returns to Instagram, Poses in Bikini