Will you be seeing a movie on this holiday weekend? Before you shell out big bucks for tickets, soda and Sour Patch Kids, consider the following advice from our friends at Movie Fanatic. First up: Apollo 18 . The film is meant to explain why America stopped going to the moon after 17 missions. The answer? “Lost” footage from the 18th mission that is downright scary! But is it really? At times. “Audiences are given enough information to keep the story moving, but because of plot holes, too many questions are left unanswered and hamper the film’s effort to be taken seriously,” writes the site. Visit it now to read the complete Apollo 18 review . Apollo 18 Trailer Then, there’s Shark Night 3D . Does it have bite? Not exactly, critiques Movie Fanatic: ” It simply makes no sense in any realm or reality — cinematic suspension of disbelief or not.” Ouch. Read the complete Shark Night 3D review , which implies one should fear this film more than it makes one fear the water.
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Movie Fanatic Film Reviews: Apollo 18, Shark Night 3D