Octomom: Living Hand to Mouth

She was recently bailed out by PETA , but Nadya Suleman is currently living hand to mouth and in dire need of financial help, according to her lawyer, Jeff Czech. We doubt anyone is surprised … or concerned, for that matter. “The truth is Nadya is living from month to month right now,” he said. “There are a few deals in the pipeline … I hope that these will materialize for her family.” The attorney added that despite her mounting fiscal woes , “Fortunately, she does not seem to be getting down about the situation, though it does concern me.” Nadya was able to keep her home after getting a six month California mortgage extension and PETA stepped in with a $5,000 home loan payment and food. The kids and bills add up fast. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] But despite making a good amount of extra cash this year with various appearances, Nadya Suleman is still in financial trouble. Having 14 kids will do that. “I want to do the best for her that I can,” Czech said. “we have no legal rights to the biological father of her children being financially responsible for them.” So we’re blaming the dad? Shouldn’t Nads take responsibility for her own actions? The Duggar family has 19 kids but support them debt free. Just saying. The day of reckoning still may not be far off, either. Octomom faces foreclosure if she can’t pay off her $450,000 California home loan by September 10. She may want to take Vivid Entertainment up on its next offer.

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Octomom: Living Hand to Mouth

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