In case you had doubts that Nadya Suleman is bat$h!t insane, and royally sucks in general, consider them cleared up thanks to her visit to The View today. Dressed in a low-cut mini-dress with go-go boots, definitely appropriate attire for the mother of half the U.S. population, Octomom babbled incoherently. We’re talking even more than usual! The hosts asked about her exercise regimen and showed published Nadya Suleman pictures showing the drain on society wearing a small bathing suit. Octomom’s more conservative attire . Octomom said of that photo shoot, “I did this for revenue. I’m very up front about that.” She then denied doing it for money and said her babies come first. So it went, asserting one thing one minute, denying it the next, acting generally unstable and mixing in painfully annoying hyena laughs for good measure. So unnerved were hosts Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd that they insinuated how Nads is probably not right in the head. Octomom proceeded to tweak out. Follow the jump for a video of Octomom on The View … Octomom on The View
See the rest here:
Octomom on The View: Painful, Likely Unstable