Several women are suing TV doctor personality Dr. Phil, claiming he traumatized them by trapping them in a house and forcing them to look at a naked man. Somewhere, Brett Favre is jealous he didn’t think of this. Four years ago, six individuals, including plaintiffs Crystal Matchett and Shirley Dieu , were invited to a house as Phil’s “dinner guests.” Worst. Dinner. Ever. The invitation was part of a Big Brother-esque type episode where these individuals were secured in a ” mock house ” with no contact from the outside world. On the third night, the women opened the door to their “house” to find a naked man. The women then hid in a room and allegedly asked to leave. The TV crew laughed at them and promptly refused. We don’t know what the point of the sequestration or naked dude was, but we look forward to hearing Phil’s explanation for it in response to the lawsuit. When the two ladies originally filed their lawsuits last year, CBS filed an anti-SLAPP motion, arguing that Dr. Phil’s conduct was protected free speech. However, a circuit court denied the motion, asserting that what was shown on Dr. Phil’s show is considered “entertainment,” not of “public interest.” Therefore, it doesn’t qualify for protection under the 1st Amendment. But because the women both signed contracts with the show, an appeals court this morning that they could not sue CBS for negligence. However … They may sue in a lower court, which include fraud, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. According to a source, this rule demonstrates “a likelihood” that the women will win their case. Oh, guess what, too? It’s YOUR FAULT, PHIL!!
Pair of Women to Sue Dr. Phil For Locking Them in House With Naked Dude