Mel Gibson’s babysitter , who may have been a key witness in the domestic abuse case involving his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, has lost her battle with cancer. The sitter, whom he crassly labeled a “wetback” in one of his now-infamous rants , and who claims she witnessed the actor’s rage, passed away over the weekend. According to Oksana, the babysitter witnessed Mel storming around the house, slamming doors and screaming on the phone, “I want to [expletive] destroy you.” The woman never provided a statement direct to law enforcement investigators before she died, and says she didn’t come forward sooner because of her cancer. She apparently left the actor’s Malibu mansion before his alleged January 6 rampage, during which Oksana claims Mel punched her while she held their daughter. What the babysitter actually witnessed, we may never know. However, her testimony could have been critical in at least establishing that Mel was very much out of sorts that day. It’s all a moot, tragic point now, however. In one recording, Gibson is allegedly heard referring to the babysitter, saying, “I will fire (name omitted) if she’s at your house. I will make it known and fire her.” The deeply disturbed individual then throws in this dig at her: “I’ll report her to the (expletive) people that take (expletive) money from the wetbacks, okay?” Grigorieva is hoping to strip the actor of custody of their daughter, Lucia, now nine months. Her attorneys say the audio tapes prove he’s a danger to the child. The recordings may not be viable in a criminal probe as they were made without Gibson’s consent, though she claims she did so because she feared for her life .
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Report: Witness in Mel Gibson Case Dies