Talk about your Bad Santas! A group of attendees at the 2013 SantaCon in New York City broke out into a street fight on their annual pub crawl. You guys. Street. Fighting. Santas. Ahhh, ’tis the season, right? (Warning: This video contains some explicit language. You might not want to watch it at work. Or around children since, you know, many Santas. FIGHTING EACH OTHER IN THE STREETS.) SantaCon Pub Crawl Brawl SantaCon, a pub crawl with men dressed as the big guy in red who go from bar to bar making merry, has come under fire in recent years for things such as this. Apparently, the Santas spike their egg nog with a little too much bourbon and then riot–and vomit–in the streets. Ugh. This is most decidedly not Christmas magic. Naughty, Santas. Just naughty.
Continued here:
SantaCon Pub Crawl Brawl: Caught On Camera