Against all odds, Scott Disick is still dating Sofia Richie . So you’d think the Lord would be done obsessing over his baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian, and would instead be focused on his cradle-robbing relationship. But as he’s shown us time and again, Scott is capable of being creepy in more ways than one. As you may have heard Kourtney is dating Luka Sabbat these days, which means that she and Scott are both banging 20-year-olds. It’s a weird situation, no doubt, but it’s not like Scott is in a position to judge. Nevertheless, it seems he’s keeping a close eye on Kourt and her new man to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. “Scott is monitoring it all because if it gets serious, then that means Luka gets closer to the kids,” a source close to Scott tells told Hollywood Life. “He wants to make sure he isn’t a jerk because the last thing Scott wants is Luka to be a bad father figure. He wants to make sure Luka’s intentions are pure.” Once you get past the hilarity of Scott freakin’ Disick judging another person’s moral character, you can kind of see how this makes sense. Yes, Scott is still is dating a woman who cannot yet legally drink. (Which is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to his liver, to be honest.) But to his credit, he waited a long time before introducing Sofia to his kids. Now, apparently, he wants to make sure that Kourtney does the same. Obviously, there’s nothing new about Kourt getting involved with significantly younger dudes. Kourtney dated Younes Bendjima for several months, and Scott reportedly wasn’t thrilled with that relationship either. This time around, he’s even more concerned, as it’s looking like this is no mere fling. Sources say Kourtney and Luka are already getting serious. And since Kourt’s kids are the most important thing in her life, it stands to reason that she’s itching to introduce them to her new man. Disick is reportedly imploring her to hold off for a while. And we can’t believe we’re about to say this, but we’re actually on Scott’s side on this one. View Slideshow: Kourtney Kardashian Gives Us Vacation, Bikini Body Envy in Bahamas
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Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian & Luka Sabbat: I’m Watching You Two!