Chelsea Handler is not a fan as it is. Wait ’til she reads this. According to the National Enquirer , Angelina Jolie is a deranged monster with an explosive temper, prone to violent outbursts at any given moment. If adorable little tomboy Shiloh happens to be in the way … WATCH OUT : Angelina Jolie cannot be tamed!! Not surprisingly, the “shocking photos” of Shiloh getting whomped by the out-of-control banshee are not currently available online … or perhaps anywhere. A few months ago, this same publication reported that Jolie was bound for the mental hospital . Now they’re saying that she screams at and slaps Shiloh? We’re all for good celebrity gossip , and we realize there are some people who despise and will believe anything about Angelina. But isn’t this a bit much? At this rate, she’ll be strangling Knox and Viv by March.
See the original post:
Tabloid Alleges: Angelina Jolie Rages at Shiloh!