A teenage girl from Colorado Springs, Colo., was shot and killed by her stepfather after trying to sneak back into her house and being mistaken for an intruder. The unidentified 14-year-old was apparently attempting to slip back into her house undetected after a night out when she was killed by her stepdad. Local police say the man called 911 around 6 a.m. to report a burglary in progress. Officers responding to the scene found the teen in the basement. She had sustained a gunshot wound to the chest. Man Shoots, Kills Stepdaughter Mistaken For Intruder Scanner traffic suggests she may have also been shot in the stomach. First responders rushed the victim to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. No arrests have been made at this time. The Colorado Springs police department’s Violent Crimes Unit and the local D.A.’s office are continuing their investigations of this tragedy.
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Teen Girl Shot, Killed by Stepfather While Sneaking Back Into House