Filed under: Humor , Videos There’s this video of an awful wedding DJ at an awful wedding who slaps the boobs of this chubby girl. Some folks suspect that it’s some kind of weird viral marketing , but there’s just no way. You say, “There’s no way this guy could be real.” We say, “There’s no way this guy could be made up.” Who says, “You guys know what would be so hilarious? Let’s get a dozen people together (some with babies) and put them in front of a camera and stage this elaborate pathetic wedding reception and this guy will slap this fat chick’s boobs. We’ll slow it down with some Phil Collins (don’t worry, we’ll get the rights). So random!” And listen to this gibberish: Come shake your body and do that thing. You got you know you gotta do know you do it in the Conga. Everybody get in the conga conga conga. Wedding party and guests, come on and get in the back of the line. You wanna do it. Have a slice of lime. No. It’s too surreal to be fake. The DJ is smoking what looks like a cigar, wearing sneakers and a bowtie. There is a black and white clip-art paper sign that says “Stardust Entertainment.” A man is wearing a baseball cap. THERE ARE JORTS! No New York ad exec could dream this up. Share