The three-D technology has made its way to the movie industries which makes them more successful than ever. The “Avatar” which is a cluster 3-D movie is making a very great big mark in Hollywood. Some filming companies are planning to put up a movie that uses 3-D effect and so does Nintendo which is planning to pursue its plans for a 3-D gaming console, which is the 3DS. Numbers of electronics companies have 3-D television models, uplifting the chance for this viewing into the home as networks begin to air more 3-D programmed films. At this point, ESPN plans to release a 3-D sports network this year. However, doctors have some warnings with regards to watching 3-D related videos, films or games because our eyes, which are unaccustomed to viewing 3-D for hours a day, may be dangerous which includes symptoms of disorientation, dizziness and maybe seizures. Companies like Samsung, with its 3D LED TV comes with a delicate warning. It warns that there may be certain flashing images or lights that could induce epileptic seizure or stroke. It says that “motion sickness, perceptual aftereffects, disorientation, decreased posture stability and eye strain” may be obtained. Doctors say that people should be warned about the significant adverse effects is little, especially the possibility of seizure. But more commonly, people who are into watching 3-D related movies may experience constant dizzines or any other forms of discomfort. 3-D Movies Makes Viewers Sick is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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3-D Movies Makes Viewers Sick