There’s something about the winter that fucking sucks and I call it the freezing cold, being snowed in, hibernating with my shitty fat wife who has been stocking up on food to make her fatter than a pile of shit to I guess keep her warm in our damp unheated apartment… Sure, girls everywhere want to buddy-up and wife you, even just for the night, because everyone is lonely and miserable, but the whole having a wife thing makes that perk more of a hell than anything… So I like to look at the amazing surf girl asses because surf girls just live a better life and have better asses that 98 percent of people..thanks to surf fitness…because there are people in their bikinis right now…even if those people aren’t being creeped on by you in person, we have the internet for that.
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Alana Blanchard’s Surfer Butt of the Day
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