I don’t know why I am drawn to a straight bitch who pretended to be a lesbian with Ellen to further her career and propel her into a budding career that I think included one or two movie roles….But I think it has to do with loving bottom feeders, especially when they actually feed on bottoms, even if those bottoms belong to Ellen, who may ruin lesbian fantasies for most, but who doesn’t for me, cuz I know if a bitch is deserate enough to fuck Ellen for status, she’s my kind of girl, who puts standards aside for personal gain, the basis of any hooker, indirectly making Anne Heche pretty amazing, even if it’s 10 years too late…she deserves to be celebrated…kinda like when Universities give people who dropped out of their schools honorary degrees after they do big things in their careers…only without the whole big things in their career part…
Anne Heche is the Fake Lesbian of the Day