I may dislike VICE for being the fucking worst third world loving bullshit to ever be financed by FOX… I may dislike VICE for leveraging this site early on by buying traffic from me an never paying. I may dislike VICE for being pussies about their original content, that was edgy and interesting, but at the same time, succumbing to advertisers to make the billions almost makes sense…it’s just very gangster. That said, I do appreciate this video, where they sent their people to interview a girl who masturbates using balloons, which is pretty funny in and of itself, and that I assume she does on webcam for money, or that she’s just pretending she does as a joke…because I like all obscure fetishes as the world may have always had them…but the world is more vocal about it. You see, I would never waste my time with this girl, she’s not hot enough, not to mention she wears a mask and doesn’t take ownership on her weirdness…I don’t care if some fat chick, or dumpy chick or lesbian can only get off if she’s eating gravy while newborn kittens suck her pussy, I just care that it happened and I’m glad Vice wastes their time and money tracking it, because it’s funny…but not that funny…but I’ll still post it….because I encourage this behavior.
Here is the original post:
Australian Balloon Masturbator of the Day