Beesh Please! Michele Bachmann Says Obama ‘Should Be Afraid Of Toothless Hillbilly’ Tea Baggers

The Palin replacement, Michele Bachmann, is just ratchet. Her and those Republicans will incite hate and promote racial tension to win the 2012 election. But, uh, good luck with that. “Everything I ever needed to know I learned,” says Minnesota Congresswoman and Republican Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann. With her first words, she lets you know she grew up here. Michele Bachmann is out to impress Iowans, but really has her eye on Tea Partiers. “One thing I know growing up in Iowa we as a family never spent more money than what we took in. I call that Econ 101.” In the blazing hot sun, more than 200 people gathered to hear Bachmann preach about out of control government spending and our country’s growing debt ceiling. They’re words Iowans in the crowd echoed. Michelle Bachmann wants the job to lead it there. She’s eager to align herself with the Tea Party and says Democrats, as well as President Obama should fear for their job. “They want you to think that the Tea Party made up of toothless hillbillies coming down out of hills wearing red, white and blue but the fact is they should be afraid of Tea Party,” says Bachmann. Over the past three weeks, the Tea Party Bus Tour signed up more than 1,000 Iowans for their grassroots campaign. “A Tea Party candidate advocating for Tea Party principals will win Iowa and they will move on,” says Ryan Rhodes of the Iowa Tea Party Revolution. Rhodes says Bachmann’s drawn bigger crowds than any other candidate; a sign of her strength. “I think it will be very hard to beat Bachmann in Iowa.” Hmm, “toothless hillbillies” … who said that? Oh, how we would love for her to be nominated and make it easy for the Dems. Click here to see video Source

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Beesh Please! Michele Bachmann Says Obama ‘Should Be Afraid Of Toothless Hillbilly’ Tea Baggers

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