We live in a world where Bella Hadid’s panty jacked up her pussy flash is as important news, if not more important news than an instagram model being shot to the heart by a whipped cream canister that I assume she was using in a sex act, that killed her because GOD hates sluts. I find it hard to believe that we haven’t seen the labia of this rich girl turned internet famous and thus fashion industry famous thanks to her rich family, marketing budgets and all the other good things that you have access to when you’re connected….you know like leveraging your sister’s success… But I’ll take it…and I guess so did the Weekend…before throwing it away for GOMEZ…leaving her to fend for herself where she can barely stand up…. The post Bella Hadid Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Bella Hadid Pussy Flash of the Day