Bella Thorne is Topless of the Day

Long gone are the days of boring, stuffy, book tours…where old crotchety authors who are educated, experienced, and have a passion or pride for the written word come out to share a chapter of their book with their literary fans…you know when people cared about substance, intellect and story…. It has been replaced with basically smeared ejaculate hardening on the pages of a magazine quality literature…where best selling books are just a product of digital marketing from people who are famous, who are high school drop outs, who have very little to say, who aren’t thought provoking, who are fake news clickbait Disney pop shit….. Literature isn’t dead, it’s just been repurposed into being something of very low quality to sell books to idiots. Bella Thorne, the illiterate, on the NY Times best seller list…doing it…promoting her book…the right way…this way…the everything is gutter porn way. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Thorne is Topless of the Day appeared first on .

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Bella Thorne is Topless of the Day

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