Brooke Hogan is not just a joke, but she’s also a monster like her dad…and maybe that’s why he wants to fuck her…because he sees himself in her…and anyone that tanned and jacked up…probably loves themselves a lot…and wanting his daughter cuz she is the female version of him just makes sense…it’s masturbation….but to the rest of the world..she’s fucking scary…but not as scary as the era when she was on TV or when she was launching her music career…which was a serious fucking joke, so it’s nice to see her gutter ass back on the streets of Florida trashin’ it up like she was destined to do and if she’s lucky, she may get a segment on this season’s Jersey Shore…a serious match made in white trash heaven… I am posting these for old times and new titties. Pics via Bauer
Brooke Hogan is Still a Useless Pig of the Day