Brutally Honest: Chrissy Teigen Says Losing Baby Weight Is Easier When You’re Wealthy

Chrissy Teigen Details Motherhood Transition With Today Chrissy Teigen keeps it straight cash with Today about how easy it is to lose baby weight, because she’s wealthy. In an interview, the model and TV personality touched on being scrutinized by social media fans and postpartum depression. She also wanted to remind moms on having realistic baby weight she goals. “Anyone in the public eye, we have all the help we could ever need to be able to shed everything…So I think people get this jaded sensation that everybody’s losing it so quickly, but we just happen to be the ones who are out there. We have nutritionists, we have dietitians, we have trainers, we have our own schedules, we have nannies. We have people who make it possible for us to get back into shape. But nobody should feel like that’s normal, or like that’s realistic.” Chrissy on Postpartum depression. “I think a lot of the mood stuff that happens afterwards isn’t really talked about, whether it’s postpartum depression or really just, for me, some days, I wouldn’t know how to cope with work and juggle things and still have time for a husband life,” she said. “And that was really tough for me, and I think just the mere act of losing those endorphins, I think I was slightly cursed by having such a great pregnancy and being so happy and having so much energy, that just the decline of all those endorphins, and all the prenatals and everything I was on and how healthy I was, naturally made my mood change. There were periods where you get super dark.” Chrissy on Instagram haters. “I can see things coming a mile away,” Teigen said. “I know that when I post something, if she’s in a car seat, I’ve got to be ready for the million people telling me she’s in the car seat wrong, even though she’s in there correctly. At this point, I know what they’re going to say before they say it. If I’m holding her while I’m cooking, or if I’m holding her within 10 feet of a stove top, I’ve kind of just come to expect it.”

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Brutally Honest: Chrissy Teigen Says Losing Baby Weight Is Easier When You’re Wealthy

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