I don’t know who owns these bikini pictures, but I know the paparazzi, especially the paparazzi I don’t work with, are fucking scummy bottom feeding pieces of fucking shit.I have had years of fights with, so I can only assume they’re going to send lawyers letters by the end of the day to take these down cuz I don’t have the right to post them or some bullshit, even though I don’t think they should have the right to take them, because they monetize on breaking laws like criminals by climbing into trees, jumping fences, invading privacy and killing Princess Diana before dating Britney Spears to get the fucking pics…. So until I hear otherwise, I am gonna assume these pics were taken by some random dude who posted them to his facebook, I mean there’s no way they are professional shots, just look how shitty they are, but trust me…I will hear otherwise…because these people are fucking vultures…so take it in while you can…
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Cameron Diaz Bikini Pictures of the Day