Charlize Theron is from South Africa and for any of you who know anything about South Africa, you will know that there were laws passed in the 1940s for the preferential treatment of whites. The set up three categories of people, The Whites, The Blacks and the Colored and there were White only jobs, blacks couldn’t marry the whites and it went on into the late 70s and early 80s, meaning Charlize Theron was raised on this racist shit in her youth….explaining why she has a black driver and as nice and warm as she is to the motherfucker, you know hugging and kissing him goodbye like they are best friends, he’s still her fucking limo driver, something typical of the Apartheid when married white women would let their hired black labor take time off to teach their lonely pussies a lesson, no matter how good of a job they do, or how much they fall in love with each other, or how exciting it is to be so naughty and criminal, they still send them back out to the fuckin’ field to shovel elephant shit, or whatever the fuck kinda shit they have in Africa, cuz they are still blacks and those are just the fuckin’ rules. I guess you can’t break down the shit your parents taught you, it’s kinda etched into your fuckin’ brain and her racism doesn’t upset me, I think she’s fuckin’ hot, whether she considers me an equal citizen or member of society or not… Pics via Bauer
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Charlize Theron is Still into the Arpatheid of the Day
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