Clown faced Christina Aguilera brought her big rich still alive tits to some charity event…dressed like that Labor Party “We Can Do It” girl…or maybe she’s being an emoji… The “We Can Do It” poster was designed to encourage laborers to not strike, but in the roaring 80s…it was brought back as a Feminist image for equal rights for women in the workplace…. In 2015…they have taken that imagery of “woman power”, even if it wasn’t intended as a Women’s Power campaign in the 40s when it happened, and pretty much shit on the memory and purpose of the 75 year old image, by having some vapid rich kid who has never worked a day in her life, or at least not in the traditional sense of having a job…she’s more a celebrity that people pander to and always have because she makes them money… But when she’s dressed like a laborer, it may make her feel like she’s more connected with the people…like the little Mexican she is… All I see is huge tits, too much make-up and a girl I bet someone I would fuck in my lifetime, but probably won’t…because she’d have to be institutionalized and I’d have to work as an orderly… She may think she’s part of he plight of the feminsits of the 60s and they pay equity fight…but I just think she’s tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Christina Aguilera Tongue at a Charity Event of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Christina Aguilera Tongue at a Charity Event of the day